Sheng dated Kiu to lunch and met Ngo. Sheng felt embarrassed. Someone looked for Fion at Chiu’s office to collect a debt and tried to make a scene. Chiu fought back. Hei fell in love with Chiu for his courage. Chiu told Ngo of his past. He was once a gangster. His wife Ling, who was pregnant then, was killed when pushed on the floor by his enemies. He held himself responsible for Ling’s death and tried his utmost to provide best for Ling’s sister Fion. Ngo decided to pay her rent in advance to help Chiu repay Fion’s debts. A boy was abused and Ngo believed the suspect was On. Yuen came back from holiday in Japan and seemed to be happier. She moved back in with Feng. Kiu told Mui that she was going out with Sheng. Everyone was stunned. Kiu nearly lost her life trying to get back a toy ring Sheng gave her. Sheng was touched and asked her to marry him.